Exams and Assessments Results

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Subject % if students GCSE grade 4 and above Students % of students GCSE grade 3 Students
GCSE English Language 33.00% 1 66.60% 2
GCSE Maths 66.66% 2 33.00% 1
Subject Students
GCSE English Language - Spoken Language 100% 3

There are some schools that the Government do not provide performance data for. These include:

  • Schools that do not cover any of the ages at which pupils and students are assessed, for example nursery and infant schools that do not cover key stage 2
  • Schools and colleges of certain types, including international schools, hospital schools, pupil referral units, special colleges and secure units.
  • Schools that closed (or changed school type) more than one academic year ago.